MagiKats Maths and English

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Beat the Back to School Blues!

Are your children nervous about the thought of going back to school? Or are you dreading the return to the school routine with all its many demands? If so, don’t worry - you are not alone. So, I’ve put together this super simple 5 step guide to help you beat the ‘back to school’ blues!

Make it rewarding.

The start of the new school year is a perfect time to set new routines, responsibilities and rewards. Make a reward chart with the kids, including activities like homework and organising their school bag.

Let them choose their weekly rewards (of course, a treat or day out is much better motivation than sweets). All you have to do is stick to it - including the days when they don’t earn their rewards!

And don’t forget to treat yourself too! You’ve survived the holidays after all.

Meet for your meals.

Extra treats and snacking are all part of the holiday fun but it is a good idea to introduce more standard mealtimes in the week before term starts. This will help the whole family get back into the swing of eating at regular times again and make sure your kids are ready to start learning.

Make shopping for uniforms and school essentials fun!

Yes really! Ask your kids to draw up a list of what they need, include some fun shops in your trip and maybe stop for lunch or an ice cream. Let them choose their pencil cases, water bottles and bags and maybe even ask them to do a fashion parade in their new uniform when you get home!

And don’t worry if your kids are a little bit older. Just make sure you build in something to look forward to at the end of the day, like a trip to the cinema with their friends.

Plan a party.

Ask your children what they fancy doing with their friends and get some dates in your diary. You might arrange a ‘back to school’ party, half term picnic (indoors if necessary) or a Halloween sleep-over.

Socialising and making new friends is one of the most stressful aspects of the new school year, so this gives your children a chance to strengthen new friendships, as well as giving them something to look forward to.

Write a checklist.

A simple but effective technique to help with the morning rush and school run - put together a checklist of things that have to be done. From eating breakfast, to cleaning teeth and remembering lunch box/snacks/sports kit etc. Place the list somewhere the kids can see it and get them to check off each activity before they leave for school.

The first day of the new school year is a big event for your kids and is often more stressful for them than we realise.

Children generally follow your lead, so if you can make going back to school seem fun and exciting, it’s much more likely your kids will feel positive about it - enthusiasm and a positive approach are infectious.

And if it’s the school work that they’re anxious about, don’t worry, we’ve got that covered too, with our affordable and supportive maths and English tuition. Just get in touch for some advice about preparing your child for their school work or for more information about enrolling.

from the team at MagiKats HQ