MagiKats Maths and English Tuition Oundle

The best thing you can do is have a chat with me so I can see how we can help your child with their maths and English!
— Catherine, Principal

Find Out More About Maths and English Tuition in Oundle:

Catherine | Principal of MagiKats Oundle

Is your child struggling with Maths or English?

MagiKats Maths and English Tuition in Oundle gives the opportunity for all children from early years to GCSE to have an individual programme built just for them. At MagiKats they will concentrate on getting to grips with topics that they are covering at school whilst also working on a parallel thread that is put together to fill any gaps that may exist in their core skills. Students are learning their specific topics, while working in small groups (of 4-6), taught by a mentor.

What we offer

During their maths and English tuition sessions, students will follow a MagiKats programme which supports the National Curriculum. We offer support, consolidation and extension materials from early years through to GCSE in age-appropriate groups. MagiKats’ weekly workshops provide an instant boost to our students. Where possible we use a ‘hands on’ approach involving multi-sensory learning to enhance their understanding. Students enjoy attending MagiKats and we love to see their confidence soar. They even enjoy doing their core work at home ready for the next week.

About me

I have been a secondary Mathematics teacher for 32 years. During my career, I have been a senior leader, an advanced skills teacher, and I have also had SEN training.  As a Mathematics teacher I have taught at all levels and covered the curriculum of all exam boards. I have taught in three countries and in both state and independent schools.  I love nothing more than seeing a child have that ‘light bulb’ moment! It still makes my hairs stand on end to this day.  I want every child to make progress, achieve the best they can and thrive in their future. Myself and my qualified mentors will be a consistent and reassuring presence for many years to come.

Take the first step and arrange a visit!

The first step you can take to help your child improve their Maths and English is to arrange a placement assessment and visit to the workshop. To book, call me and leave a message, or fill in the contact form and I will respond within 24 hours. I look forward to hearing from you and helping your child catch up or get ahead at school!

How to find MagiKats Maths and English Tuition in Oundle:



Fletton House, Fletton Way, Glapthorn Rd
Oundle, PE8 4JA

workshop days and times:

Monday 4:00pm-5:25pm
Thursday 5:30-7:00pm