Three Top Tips for Home Schooling

Okay, so there are lots of articles out there about home schooling and how to be a good home schooling parent. At MagiKats we try to support all of our parents, no matter what else is going on. So, here's our contribution for what it's worth! And we're keeping it dead simple with just three tips.

First, get a routine.

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At least between Monday and Friday, break up the day into chunks of time and decide what you're going to do in each of those chunks of time. And don't be worried if at least one or two of those chunks of time a day is just simply, "Let's see what we're in the mood to do."

Second is don't expect too much.

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You are not a teacher, and many children do not like or appreciate the efforts that their parents go to, to help them with their education. So, take a step back and be realistic. Don't expect them to achieve what they would normally achieve in a typical day at school. If you can keep the core subjects of maths and English ticking over, then anything else is a bonus. Also, try and make sure things like sports, arts and languages are kept ticking over, if you possibly can.

Finally, balance online and offline.

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Lots of schools will be providing materials to be completed online, and lots will be providing materials that you can print off and complete offline. Although it's generally accepted at the moment that kids are going to be exposed to greater screen time than usual, try and balance that with some creative offline activities too. As a MagiKats parent, you will be able to access our online workshops and offline materials. So that should be a good balance for you.

If you are struggling with “school” at the moment then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local Principal, who can advise you how MagiKats can provide some outside input and structure. We are working on plans for the next several months, whilst schooling remains disrupted. Or, if you don’t live near a centre, why not look at our new service, MagiKats@Home?