Student Success Story: Wyatt from MagiKats Alloa!

A massive well done to Wyatt from all of us at MagiKats for the fantastic progress he has made since joining MagiKats Alloa in April 2022.

Wyatt is visually impaired and joined MagiKats age 7 for some extra support and so that he had someone to help him when he struggled either through needing extra time or through lack of confidence. His parents wanted to ensure Wyatt feels like he is on an even playing field with his peers.

Wyatt is a lovely student and enjoys dance, reading, swimming, walking and trampolining. When he joined us, he was a little shy and would struggle to ask for help in class. He would sit silently not knowing what to do rather than put his hand up. 

Since enrolling at MagiKats, Wyatt has already been moved up reading levels faster than was expected and is more confident and happier at school. He doesn’t worry about a new task or subject coming up as he now knows that he can take it on.

His parents were attracted to the relaxed, inviting but organised atmosphere at MagiKats and the focus on meeting every child’s needs. Wyatt’s mum describes the change she’s seen in him in the six months since his enrolment,

MagiKats star Wyatt working with mentor

The change in Wyatt in just a short space of time has been nothing less than transformational. Wyatt has gone from being a quiet little boy unable to voice an opinion, to a confident boy able to participate in group work, and confident in his skills at school. He is also confident to try new things and willing to make mistakes (something he would never let himself do before). He is enjoying new subjects such as STEM because his confidence in maths and English has grown. He looks forward to his homework and his sessions at MagiKats and that has rolled over into his schoolwork as he has new strategies that help him complete work. 

The school have also commented that Wyatt’s writing has improved, his reading has improved and that his skills across comprehension and expression have jumped up levels. He seems more confident in lessons and happier to take part in group-based lessons.

But what about Wyatt, what does he like about MagiKats?

He loves everything including the tutors, especially Kaitlin, the way he learns and the friends he has made. He also loves the hands-on aspect. It simply ignites his imagination. And he loves the awards and rewards systems.” explains mum. “It has given him such a good grounding to come and see the same people each week and be part of the same group as they learn together. It’s helped his confidence but also helped him see that different people learn at different speeds and ways and still get there. The small groups are such a great advantage.

So, would the Hunter family recommend MagiKats?

Absolutely try it. It isn’t just for the maths or English learning either. Your child comes away a much more confident child too, capable of dealing with learning in a far better way than before. That’s what MagiKats gives them. 

Both Carol and Kaitlin go above and beyond to adjust how they do things to meet Wyatt’s needs. And in tutoring him the way they have, they have ensured that not only have his needs in maths and English been met but that also socially he has changed to be a much more confident little boy.

We are delighted that Wyatt is doing so well and so proud of his achievements so far. We’re looking forward to hearing more about his future successes.